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St. Michael's Abbey, Farnborough

We have been very lucky to have been wedding videographers at St Michael's Abbey in Farnborough in the past.


The Abbey is a Benedictine abbey on the Surrey Hampshire border. It was founded in 1881, built by the Empress Eugenie following the death of her husband Napoleon III, and homes a small community of monks, who dedicate their life to prayer, work and study.


The Abbey is incredibly beautiful, set in a picturesque setting up high on a hill. We have had the privilege of filming a Winter wedding at the abbey on a crisp sunny day.


You can see below a short highlights film that was partly shot at Farnborough Abbey. Please do get in touch if you have any questions about wedding videography at St Michael's.

Contact details:


280 Farnborough Rd, Farnborough, Hampshire

GU14 7NQ



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